SATHEE has taken initiatives to ensure food, nutrition, and livelihood security among the most marginalized sections of the community. During the current year, a few major actions taken under this are as below-


  1. Community-based food and nutritional security plans preparation – In this regard, this year 32 community-based FOOD AND NUTRITION SECURITY plans have been prepared with the support of local gram sabha to take sustained action on malnutrition among the PVTGs and other tribal communities in the operational area. It has been submitted to the local officials for its realization through the effort of its gram sabhas and their federations. Through the different tracking mechanisms, it has been found that nearly 32% of the planned actions could be realized such as water resource conservation, linkage with govt. programs, institutional functioning, etc.
  2. Promotion of nutrition Garden (POSHAN WADIS) through community efforts – During this year more than 1123 nutrition gardens have been promoted by the community and respective families full of nutrition-based plants and products. Through this garden, to date, more than 3200 kgs of vegetables are sold in the local markets and communities to enhance the nutrition-based livelihood situations. Through such initiatives 134 pregnant and lactating mothers along with more than 2000 children and adolescents could be protected from malnutrition.
  3. Revival of traditional Agriculture along the hills-To ensure the livelihood and food security among the PVTGs in the operational area, SALT agriculture was promoted along the slope of the hill to revive the degenerated lands and traditional crops of the communities of the community. In this regard 60 acres have been regenerated supporting the 72 families. This watershed model has also been grounded successfully in the PVTG villages where the economy of more than 150 families has been increased to the extent of 30-40%. Through the traditional cultivation area of Barbatti and bajra also improved to the extent of 62 acres.
  4. Organization of BMI monitoring campsThis year 112 health and growth monitoring camps were organized in which more than 3200 community people have been examined. After the detection of improper BMI, it has been referred to the local PHCs for proper medication and follow-ups.
  5. Poshan Bank creation – 29 Poshan banks were created among the community to support the different deprived families to protect their hunger and malnutrition. In this regard altogether 340 families under the project area have been supported.
  6. Bajra and Kodo cultivation – This year also 22 acres have been regenerated with Bajra whereas another 6 acres have been regenerated with KODO MILLET which was extinct from the area since the 1980s. The produce amounted to 12KGs which have been deposited in the village POSHAN BANK to support the local community.