
  • 300 families and their children made malnutrition free among the PVTGs
  • 89-100% immunization achieved in specific areas
  • 70% Increase in institutional delivery in our operational area
  • 200 Govt schools and ICDS made functional
  • 2469 Poshan Wadi created to tackle malnutrition issues among the PVTGs community
  • 2639 women were trained on malnutrition and related prepared materials issues issues
  • 1800 families adopted poshan wadi model
  • 2700 anemia screenings have been made among the PVTGs community
  • 600 PTG women got land PATTA for women empowering process
  • 360 teachers were trained on gender and related issues in four blocks of Godda
  • 159 government schools adopted gender-friendly environments through our intervention.
  • 3000 women were connected to SHGs groups for livelihood-related activities.
  • 113 Mahila Sabha have been formed for different activities.
  • 458 women became the head of families among 458 families and got the govt schemes benefits
  • 2200 families have changed their water-related hygiene behavior
  • 300 water sources have been renovated for safe drinking water in the operational areas
  • 2110 compost Pits were constructed and villagers were trained in the method of decomposition of the organic waste material and converting it into usable fertilizer
  • 22 water harvesting tanks have been renovated through the gram sabha under MREGS.
  • 300 acres of land Revival in indigenous agricultural
  • 60 acres Conservation of traditional forest by community
  • 200 acres – Soil conservation through organic practice-
  • 3 Hill stream conservation through traditional  practice
  • 100 acres Revival of slope area vegetation
  • 2000 farmers Soil analysis
  • 126 acres Organic farming promotion
  • 5000 families provided grain and medicine Covid relief support –
  • 10,000 family provided Cooked food supplies
  • 300 families – Revival of agriculture and animal husbandry
  • 120 PVTG families given Employment support
  • 300 families given Drought relief

Sessions were conducted with adolescent groups on gender and protection-related issues.

Children main streamed through Education & supported in Health-related issues

Caregivers in the area provided orientation on child protection and survival issues

PTG Girl Children enrolled in local welfare and other residential schools

Adolescent Groups Strengthened in the Santal Pargana divisions

Gram-Sabhas and PRIs Strengthened on child protection issues like child marriage, trafficking, child labor, etc.


Reduction in out-of-school and dropouts among children in 5 districts through SMC & Gram Sabha involvement

Children Forums at the village level formed and trying to be strengthened

GPs made child labor free so far through community & Govt. initiatives

Families & their Children made malnutrition free among the PVTGs


Immunization achieved in specific areas


Increase in institutional delivery in operational area

Govt schools & ICDS made functional

Poshan Wadi created to tackle malnutrition issues among the PVTGs community

Women trained on malnutrition and related prepared materials issues issues

Families adopted poshan wadi model

Anemia Screenings done among the PVTGs community

PTG women got land PATTA for women empowering process

Teachers trained on gender & related issues in four blocks of Godda

Government Schools adopted gender-friendly environments through our intervention.

Women connected to SHGs groups for livelihood-related activities

Mahila Sabha have been formed for different activities.

Women became the head of families among 458 families and got the govt schemes benefits

Farmers Soil analysis

Acres Organic farming promotion

Families provided grain and medicine Covid relief support

Families provided Cooked food supplies

Revival of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

PVTG Families given Employment support

Families given Drought Relief